Adoption · Animal Rescue · Pets

Rescue Reward: “Less Adoptable” Pets

We all love to see the happy, adoptable puppies and kittens when looking for a new family member. The “perfect” breed and size, no health issues and still young – that is what many families are looking for. However, when looking for a four-legged friend (or any animal for that matter) to add to your home, consider one of the “less adoptable” pets.

Let me preface this post by saying that others see certain animals as less adoptable, whether that’s due to their breed, age, health or even fur color, but I personally see them as even better! However, many times people judge the book by its cover. Here are a few reasons why certain animals are seen as less adoptable, and even more reasons on exactly why you should adopt them as your next pet:


If it’s a Pit Bull, too many people pass by because of breed discrimination. In fact, according to BarkPost, 1.2 million dogs are euthanized and approximately 40% of them are Pit Bulls. If that number doesn’t shock you, read it again. Over one million dogs euthanized each year, and almost half are from one specific breed. Why, you ask? The main reasons are BSL and overpopulation – find out more about these issues and the need to adopt in my previous posts.

via BarkPost

Don’t just walk past an animal because it’s considered a “bully breed.” Once you do a little research, you’ll find out how bully breeds and actually the opposite of a real bully. According to the American Temperament Test Society Inc., 86.8 percent of American pit bull terriers have passed their temperament testing. “This is a higher number of American pit bulls to pass their testing than collies, beagles and even golden retrievers. Of 122 different canine breeds tested by the society, pit bulls ranked fourth for passing temperament testing.” (Canine Journal).


I love puppies. I love their puppy breath, playfulness, poor coordination and little puppy whimpers. However, I also know the reality of senior pets left in animal shelters and rescues across the country. They may not have as many years left or be as “sprightly” as the little 4-month old kitten in the next kennel over, but there are many reasons why you should adopt a senior pet. For example:

  • They are usually already potty trained and know some basic commands
  • They have less (crazy) energy, leaving them more time to relax and just spend time with you
  • Chances are, they may not have as many health problems as you think

Don’t look past a pet just because of their age. Senior pets need and deserve a loving home just as much as a puppy or kitten. Sometimes they need it even more, because too many times the senior pets are the first to be euthanized in shelters.

If you’re looking for a senior pet, first off – thank you!! Check out your local rescue or shelter. There’s actually senior-only pet rescues out there.


Have you heard of Vinny from Roofus and Kilo? I follow Candice’s Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat (you name it) religiously, wanting continuous updates on her rescue and foster dogs. Her most recent foster, Vinny, was left at a shelter. He was underweight with mange and heartworms. The  Northwest Dog Project saved Vinny, and now Candice is the foster mom. If it weren’t for the Northwest Dog Project or Candice stepping up, Vinny would likely have been passed over in the shelter. Why? Unfortunately, it’s possible many wouldn’t want to deal with the (completely treatable) health problems. Whether there’s an adoptable pet with heartworms, injuries, arthritis, you name it, every pet deserves a loving home regardless of their health. The health issue may be treatable or manageable with a few minor lifestyle adjustments.

NW Dog Project
via Northwest Dog Project

Know what’s right for you and your family

While I hope you consider a “less adoptable” animal for your next pet, also take into consideration what would work for your family and existing living situation. For example, my condo complex has a weight limit and breed restriction (yes, this does bother me very much and I can’t wait to live in a place that allows all breeds!). It wouldn’t be realistic for me to look into adopting a Great Dane or Pit Bull, as neither would be a good fit for my living situation.

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